At the beginning of the film, the main character narrators the montage of images dictating her life with soft music sound bridging over the images, in the background of when she was younger, this tells us the main storey in reverse and speaks about how she was trying to for fill the American dream.
However when this is half way though, the soft music stops and it swaps to loud heavy rain that is falling on the ground around here. Here we also hear the diegetic sound of cars passing and honking of horns, she is still narrating, but the other sounds are extremely loud.
Once she has gone into the club, we here pop music in the background, however this is soft and barley hear able when dialogue is being spoken. The main characters voice is rustic and rough, and when she speaks to another woman who has a soft voice, she swears.
At the beginning, there are mid shot and close ups showing what she used to look like when she was younger, these depict what her life was like, the last shot in the montage changes however to a long shot of here being picked up by a car when she is walking on a highway. This shows us that she is alone and basically a prostitute.
When she is sitting under the bridge and we here the rain, we have a close up shot on her face, showing that she is unhappy and how the rain is falling down here face as she has no coat or hood. it then swaps to a close up shot of a gun in her hand showing she is suicidal and that she has a weapon.
When she comes in the club, we see a mid shot of the people in the club and then here, this compares the people to here and how put of place she looks being in a place like it is where she obviously doesn't belong.
The only editing used in the sequence is quick cuts that are both in the montage at the beginning and though out the real time section, these are used to show she is fast paces and always does things she wants first.
Old tatty cloths are used in the film, this shows that the women comes from a poor background which she wanted to try and get away from so she tried to follow the American dream. We also see a gun near the beginning of the film, it is old and rusty showing it is very old and she only has it to take her own life. She smokes and drinks in the sequence suggesting she is unhealthy and trying to forget about the things she has done or she is addicted to things and tried to make herself feel better.
Naturalistic lighting is used in the sequence and shadows are very visible, showing she may be trying to hide something.
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