The Bourne Ultimatum
The clip starts with soft music gradually getting louder and faster to build up suspense, this keeps the viewer on the edge of their seat and then, sharply the music becomes loud and stops with a clean cut to the music not dying out at all.
We hear Bourne panting allot at the beginning of the film, this makes the views think he is either out of breath or wounded, we then hear the diegetic sounds of the sirens and the skidding tyres’ of the police cars adding a dynamic and action effect to the thriller.
Once inside the building, we here broken glass that adds a scary effect as it is loud and worrying.
The camera uses a mid shot at the beginning to capture Bournes whole body; this allows us to see the surroundings behind him and allows us to see the types of clothing he is wearing. We then change to a close up allowing us to see the blood and sweat on his face; this gets the audience on their seat as they want to know what’s happening. The camera then stops as a pan takes place seeing the police cars and Bourne disappearing into the train station.
When the flash back occurs, the camera becomes jittery and handheld showing a montage of the shots when he was younger. These shots are mainly close ups to show the distress and emotions on his face. However there are midshot to allow us to see the clothing he was wearing showing us he was in the army.
The sequence mainly consist of cuts and quick editing as it is very fast paced and keeps in touch with he flow of the camera angles and sounds used. When the flash back occurs the editing is extremely fast and jittery, there is a blue tint to the screen to show he is looking back on his past.
While the two men are talking a shot reverse shot is used to show the reactions on each of the man’s faces, this shows the nervousness the policeman has when he is up against Bourne and the sweat running down on his face.
The setting used is a busy street; this shows that there is hustle and bustle on the street and how he is trying to get away. There is snow in the back ground making it earlier as we do not know where he is. We see he is wearing a trench coat that suggests he is trying to hide or console something.
We also see that there is a police uniform this shows that something is going on as they are trying to run after and catch him. Once inside the building high key lighting is used this makes it look bright and unnatural as to where he is. We see he is carrying a gun and is taking drugs to stop him bleeding. When in the flash back we see him in an army uniform this shows that he is a trained killer and has experience of war.
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