Friday, 12 February 2010

12th February 2010 - Story Board and Research

Today, Oliver and I have created are Story board based on the feed back we got from out questionnaire. We asked a total of 20 students at our college so that we could reach our target audience of teenagers, we then looked at the answers and analysed the results.

To analyse the results, Oliver created them all pie charts visually displaying out results. Oliver did these results while I started drawing out the story board, we collaborated our ideas when Oliver was making the graphs to save us valuable time , We chose pie charts as they can be easily read and shows clearly what the most popular answer was.

These where our results:

This shows that the majority of people would prefer the location to based in a woodlands area.

Most people asked want the thriller to be set in the afternoon.

Most people believe that there should be 2 characters in the opening of our thriller.

The majority of people would like a stalker storyline in a thriller.

Most people would suspense music and ambient sounds to be used in our thriller.

The vast majority of students asked would prefer the thriller to be shot in naturalistic lighting.

The vast majority would like the actors in the film to be male.

Props and costumes that people wanted to be include were dark clothing, mysterious objects and contrasting costumes.

The majority of people would prefer there not to be speech in the opening of a thriller.

85% of people would prefer the colour used to be dark and mysterious than bright.

These results gave us a clear view of what people wanted to see in out thriller opening, this included, a stalker like character, naturalistic lighting and ambient and and suspense music. therefore we based these in our story board.

After we did this, i started creating the story board.

This is our story board as a Movie to show what is happening more clearly and make it more realistic:

While I was finishing making the storyboard, Oliver started creating the risk assessment, one I had finished the story board, i then helped him with this. These where the different risks we cam up with that might affect us when we where filming.

Risk Assessment

Falling over (Injuring self or breaking equipment) - To prevent this be careful with the equipment and try to film in safe flatter areas.

Other People - Try and film in an area that is not too busy.

Weather - If raining avoid filming due to electrical products and danger to students.

Multi-Level Location - Danger of people falling, so try and work in flat areas.

Poor Lighting - use lights if dark so people can see and don't runt he risk of falling over or getting lost.

Equipment being stolen - Never leave equipment unattended.

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