Monday, 18 January 2010

18th January 2010 - Preliminary Task Planning

Today we have watched a video describing and explaining how to take a shot reverse shot and about how to use the 180 rule, i took notes on the process and learnt all the neccesary requirements to take the perfect shot, these include not going over the 180 rule and putting the shots in a certain order to get the best take on the situation.

We have also planned out the video will we create using a storyboard, this storyboard shows what characters will be in the shot, what they will be doing, the camera angle used and the type of shot and also includes any sounds that are going to be added. We have also roughly guessed the time each shot would take to film including extra time to edit the shots together.
(Our clip is about a man being told his wife has passed away in hospital)

Brainstorming the hospital theme:

Story Board:

Next lesson, Friday 22nd January 2010:
We will start filming the short movie, doing shots which Andrew wont be in because he has and exam, when he returns we will do the final shots with him in it. We should have all filming completed by 5th period on that day.

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